Swansea Bay Business Club Achieves Cyber Essentials Certification

We are proud to announce that Swansea Bay Business Club has achieved their Cyber Essentials certification. This is a huge step towards their dedication to cyber security.

Cyber Essentials is a government-backed scheme that provides organisations with a layer of security to ensure that their data is backed up and protected against potential cyber-attacks. The CE certification helps to identify and mitigate 76% of the most common cyber threats.

As the leading club in the region and a prominent advocate for business growth and innovation, SBBC understand the importance of effective cyber security. With sensitive data increasingly stored in the cloud, ensuring security measures are in place is essential. By achieving their Cyber Essentials certification, Swansea Bay Business Club have demonstrated their commitment to safeguarding their data and sets a precedent for other organisations in the region.

SBBC President, Amy Seppman, commented: “As an organisation representing hundreds of members and businesses throughout the region, we see this accreditation as an essential requirement to demonstrate how seriously we take our commitment to ensuring that our members’ data is secure and protected. Many thanks to Morgan & Morgan for making our journey to Cyber Essentials certification as seamless as possible, their support has been invaluable.”

We want to offer a massive congratulations to Swansea Bay Business Club on their new certification. We are honoured to have been involved in this achievement and to have played a part in making Swansea more cyber secure.

Shared by Morgan & Morgan Business and Technology.